CT Scan
1CT Scan in Kanpur
At Mehrotra Diagnostics, we have 16 slice CT scanner from GE BrightSpeed which is a High-Frequency X-Ray specialized machine for all general radiography applications. It enables the auto-selection of radiographic factors, saves time, eliminates retakes, increases diagnostic capability, emits low radiation and lowers the radiation dose by nearly 30%.
1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur1Best CT Scan in Kanpur
Mehrotra Diagnostics Provides the best CT Scan in Kanpur and near areas .It provides high quality images through artefact prevention and increased spatial resolution even at low dose. With this machine, we can do scan in one go from neck, chest and abdomen. Also we can do 3 phase studies of the abdomen with sub millimetre scan thickness. Contrast in an image is the most important part in differentiating between an abnormal to a normal structure and the latest technology embedded in BrightSpeed enhances the differentiation between the two.
Computed Tomography Scan a diagnostic imaging exam that generates high quality images of inner parts of the body. It uses computer technology and specialized equipment with rotating x-rays to produce a 3D image of a cross-section of your body part. A CT machine looks like a doughnut / tunnel into which a table slides through. CT scan is a painless, non-invasive way to detect diseases and injuries. To obtain the images, called as slices, an x-ray tube rotates around your body whilst you lie flat down on a moving table. Then computer software reconstructs the images into a three-dimensional representation of the body parts. Images of CT scan show very thin slices of bones, muscles, organs and blood vessels. This helps doctors to see the body part in great detail.
For most procedures, you will lie on the table on your back. When the images are being taken, the table will move through the dough nut hole of the scanner. You may have one or more sets of images being taken. Each image takes less than 1 minute on advanced multislice machine. You need to remain still for the tests according to the instructions given by the technologist. You may have a contrast dye injected into your blood in order to see your body structures more clearly on the CT scan. Contrast refers to a special liquid containing a contrast agent or dye that causes the particular organ or tissue under study to be seen more clearly in the image.
You may be asked to get one of the 3 types of CT Scan done.
- With Contrast : You may be given an IV injection with the contrast agent depending on the reason for the scan to improve the images by highlighting certain features. The contrast agent is cleared from your body through your urine within 24 hours.
- Without Contrast or Plain : This study is done without intravenous injection of contrast agent.
HRCT: High Resolution CT Scan is done to enhance image resolution and get more image details. It is done without contrast agent.
We will give you instructions on how to prepare for your CT scan. On the day of the test, you should
- Avoid eating for four hours before your test. You can drink water.
- Ask your doctor if you should take your regular medicines before the CT scan.
- If you are a pregnant woman, then you should inform your doctor and CT technician as the radiations may affect the fetus. If needed, precautions can be taken to lower the radiation exposure to the fetus.
- If a lactating, or breastfeeding, if the patient needs an iodinated intravenous dye for contrast agent, she should avoid breastfeeding for about 24 hours as it may pass into the breast milk.
- You should wear comfortable clothes and remove your watch, jewelry, eye glasses, dentures, hearing aids and metal objects. As these can compromise the quality of the scan.
- You may be asked to change into a different CT gown provided by the centre.
- If your CT scan uses dye or contrast, you may need a blood test before your scheduled CT scan to choose the right dye. If you are allergic to the contrast agent used for CT, check with us for further preparations.
- When the injection goes into your body, for a short period, you may have a warm feeling in the face, neck or pelvis and then disappears. These feelings are normal and not an allergic reaction.
- Occasionally, mild allergic reactions such as a rash, hives or sneezing can occur but do not require treatment as they settle rapidly.
What are the Routine Examinations of CT done in Mehrotra Diagnostics ?
In the routine examination of CT scan, different body parts have different preparations and can have different positioning in the scanner. These include Head, Neck, Chest, Abdomen/Pelvis, Spine Temporal Bone, Orbit and other extremities (such as wrists, hands, legs and bones.)
You will lie on your back with your head resting in a small headrest. Only your head will pass through the scanner. Duration is about 2-5 minutes.
You will lie on your back with your head resting in a small headrest. Your head as well as neck will pass through the scanner. Duration is about 10-15 minutes for plain study and 15-20 minutes for contrast study.
You will lie feet-first on your back with your arms above your head. Your legs and chest will pass through the scanner. Duration is about 10-15 minutes for plain study and 15-20 minutes for contrast study.
You are required to hold your breath for 12-18 seconds during the scan. It will be helpful if you can practice this before the scan. If you are not able to hold the breath, inform the technician.
You will lie feet-first on your back with your arms above your head. First your legs and then abdomen will pass through the scanner. Duration is about 10-15 minutes for plain study and 15-20 minutes for contrast study.
Depending on the part of the spine to be imaged, you will lie either feet-first or head-first on your back. If it is your cervical spine, you will be head-first then your head and neck will pass through the scanner. If the scan is for your thoracic or lumbar spine, you will have to put your arms above your head. First your legs, then abdomen and chest will pass through the scanner. Duration is about 5 minutes
You will lie on the scanner in the best way to image the part being scanned. For example, you will lie on your back if your lower limbs are being scanned, or on your front stomach if your upper limbs (wrists/hands) are being scanned. Duration is about 5 minutes
The air-filled spaces around the nasal cavity is called paranasal sinuses. You will be asked to lie on the back an elevated chin. Then your head and neck will pass through the scanner. Duration is about 10 minutes for plain study and 15-20 minutes for contrast study.
First you will lie on your back and your head will pass through the scanner to get the interior structures of the internal ear. Then a second scan will be taken. You will have to lie on the stomach with the head resting on the chin. Duration is about 10-30 minutes.
You will have to lie on the head on a pillow. The images of the eye sockets (orbits), eyes and surrounding bones
Special CT Category
A CT Urogram is a scanning technique to obtain images of the urinary tract. This is to get accurate image of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra for more accurate diagnosis of urinary conditions such as stones, blockages, kidney and bladder disease, and prostate issues. The most common uses for this exam are to evaluate blood in your urine and detect kidney stones.
CT Urography Procedure
First a non-contrast scan is conducted. This can show kidney stones or any other structural irregularities. A contrast agent is then injected into a vein in your hand or arm and a second scan will be done where the soft tissue of the kidneys, bladder can be seen in detail. The technician will begin by positioning you on the CT examination table. Next, the table will move fast through the scanner to determine the correct starting position for the scans. Then, for the actual scan, the table will move slowly through the scanner. You will be lying flat on your back or possibly on your side or stomach. You may be asked to change positions during portions of the examination. Straps and pillows may be used to help you maintain the correct position and to hold still during the exam.
Then a third scan will be conducted just a few minutes later. This will show the contrast draining down into the bladder, which gives information on the kidney collecting systems and bladder.
These images are then directed to a computer and are reconstructed into detailed two-dimensional (2D) images. These images can help the radiologist see the urinary system and assess if it is working well or identify any abnormalities.
Extra Preparation: In addition to normal CT scan preparations,
- You should not eat or drink for a minimum of 3 hours prior to the test but you will be asked to drink 2 glasses of water 1 hour prior to the test.
A CT Colonscopy is an imaging test done to get two and three dimensional interior images of the colon or large intestine and rectum. CT colonography uses a high technology X-ray scanner and advanced computer programs to create detailed images of the tissues inside the colon. It is non-invasive and is used to screen for polyps or cancers in the large intestine. Polyps are growths that arise from the inner lining of the intestine. A very small number of polyps may grow and turn into cancers.
CT Colonoscopy Procedure
- You will be asked to lie on the table which will slide into the scanner, usually lying flat on your back. Straps and pillows may be used to help you maintain the correct position and remain still during the exam.
- A thin flexible tube placed in your back passage and gas will be used to inflate your bowel
- You will be asked to be very still and at times to hold your breath for about 15 seconds.
- Two sets of images will be taken, the first while you are positioned on your back and the second on your stomach.
Extra Preparation CT Colonscopy:
In addition to normal CT scan preparations,
- You should have a restricted diet the day before your exam. No solid food and take clear liquids only (i.e. water, coffee, tea and juices).
- You may be required to take medication which will cause the colon to empty. It is necessary to clean out any traces of food or other material.
- If you have had a previous allergic reaction to an iodinated contrast, please contact us
The scan takes only about 30 to 45 minutes.
A CT can help diagnose problems in the liver, spleen, colon, pancreas, kidneys and other internal organs at different optimal scanning times. CT can be performed at various intervals after IV contrast is administrated. CT of different structures based on opacities can be evaluated.
The dual phase is the helical or spiral scanner that captures images continuously and these images can be recreated in three dimensions. Scans through the liver and pancreas are followed by two separate acquisitions after IV contrast administration, Arterial phase one at 10-15 sec and Portal venous phase at 25-30 sec. Sometimes, delayed phase after 1-2 minutes after IV can also be done based on referring doctor’s requirements.
Based on the Contrast scans CT can be of single-phase or multiphase. Single-phase scans are typically used to evaluate acute abdomen or suspected abdominal infections, with imaging usually in the portal venous phase. It is usually combined with administration of oral contrast. Oral or intraluminal contrast enhances the evaluation of the bowel. Multiphase scans consist of precontrast and combinations of arterial phase, portal venous phase, and delayed imaging, depending on the organ of interest.
Indications for dual phase CT scan abdomen
- abdominal pain
- abdominal sepsis
- bowel obstruction
- postoperative complications
- trauma
- vascular compromise, e.g. aortic aneurysm
Bronchoscopy is used for diagnosis of Chronic Cough, Persistent Cough and Pulmonary Biopsy. A CT Bronchoscopy is a noninvasive technique that provides a 3D internal view of Larynx, Trachea, Airways, Lungs, Bronchi and Bronchioles. Now-a-days, CT has become the primary imaging technique for detecting, staging and of primary malignant tumors of the lungs as it produces high resolution images.
Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy lets your doctor look at your airway through a tube called a bronchoscope. Afterward the exam, you may feel tired for 1 or 2 days. Your mouth may feel very dry for several hours after the procedure. You may also have a sore throat and a hoarse voice for a few days.
Advantages of CT / Virtual Bronchoscopy over Fiberoptic bronchoscopy
- Can get images of airways beyond the site of obstruction
- Images of smaller airways can be obtained which could not have been visualized through fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
- The sensitivity in detecting bronchial masses is higher than that of fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
- No after exam complications
- Raw CT data can be stored in order to be able to reconstruct images under the required conditions. Thus preventing exposure to radiations and reducing cost.
- useful in screening cases of foreign body aspiration as it has sensitivity, specificity, and validity.
On the other hand, biopsy cannot be performed by using CT bronchoscopy.
What are the Indications for bronchoscopy?
The most frequent diagnostic indications for bronchoscopy include cough, hemoptysis, radiologic changes suggestive of tumor, bronchial obstruction, atelectasis and localized wheezing. These conditions may be produced by inflammatory processes, tumor, or by foreign bodies.
A Sinogram is an imaging technique in which images of an abnormal passage that starts or ends in one opening, usually on the skin is obtained. The sinuses are air-filled cavities in your head. During a CT scan of the sinuses, pictures of cross sections or slices of the sinuses are taken. CT scans can identify problems with your sinuses.
Sinuses can occur throughout the body and may be related to infection or injury. Symptoms may be mild, such as a discharge of clear fluid from the skin, or more serious, such as abscess formation. A sinogram can show the extent of the problem and help develop a plan for future care.
Fistulas are abnormal connections between two of your organs which have the shape of fistulas. These should not be present where there should not exist. This can cause you to experience several symptoms such as sharp bowel pain, abdominal cramps and pain, discharge from vagina, diarrhoea, fever, chills, body aches etc.
Fistulogram is a procedure to produce images of abnormal connecting passages in the body called fistula. These images are helpful in guiding the treatment of the sinuses and fistula. Fistulograms may also be used to assess abscess collections after drainage and to determine whether there is a communication from the collection to any surrounding structures.
Why is Sinogram/Fistulogram done?
- To understand the size and extent of a sinus (an abnormal passage that starts or ends in one opening, usually on the skin)
- To study any proliferations arising from a single sinus
- To guide the treatment plan for sinuses
Sinogram/Fistulogram Procedure
- You may be asked to change into a hospital gown
- The technician will apply disinfectant to the region containing the fistula, and will then introduce contrast material into the fistula to enable the fistulas to be imaged with precision
- CT scan will be carried out.